My name is Thomas Verbocht, currently 20 years old and an Independent Game Production student from Belgium. The interest and passion I have for making video games and related content strongly stems from the fact that I grew up with them, specifically the Nintendo DS Pokémon RPGs, and them having a positive impact on me. Not only the amusement they provided, but also their internal functionality already intrigued me at a very young age. They always were a part of me, and I want to now with my art contribute to creating the same exciting, joyful feeling for other people by creating immersive, story-driven video games that inspire deep reflection, personal growth, and emotional connection.
My Qualities
When I am tasked to do something, I will do everything in my power to complete it and do it well, with no loose ends. It is almost unseen for me to leave a duty unfulfilled or for me to give up during the process of working on something.
I care a lot about others and their well-being. I have a good eye and attentiveness to other people and their emotions, as well as how to approach this when necessary. This is, in my opinion, of importance when working as a team. You can't work well if you don't feel well, and you can't feel well if you can't work well.
Determined & Passionate
I'm extremely passionate about the things I love doing the most. If there is something that interests me, I want to achieve, or has to be seen through until the end despite any possible obstacles, I will do it and I will do it properly.
Being able to communicate well with others, especially in an environment like the game industry, when working with others in a team, is very crucial. I communicate with others regularly to make sure everyone, including myself, understands each other and what the current state of affairs is in order to avoid misunderstandings.
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