Music Production 
I not only grew up with video games and advanced in that field, but music and music production has also always been a part of my life ever since I was little. My parents both played musical instruments, solo or in a small band, and positively infected me to follow a similar path.
My own musical journey really kicked off when I enrolled in a local music academy at the age of 9 and kept doing this for 5 years, earning my diploma and also learning how to play the guitar. Ultimately, I quit the academy to prioritize normal school, but that didn’t stop me from continuing my passion for the creation of music.
In 2017, I first came into contact with the digital software ‘FL Studio’ and started experimenting with this, making beats that sounded awful at first, but steadily improved as my eagerness for mastering this piece of software and music creation was as strong as ever.​​​​​​​
I became better and better and ultimately came into contact with several other music artists and producers who I connected and mutually shared knowledge and skills with. 'Kuraudo' (JP Katakana for 'cloud'), my artist alias, was born.
In 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak hit and we all had to stay inside, I took the opportunity to put more time into music and I sure did. My beats started getting very good and I started experimenting with vocals, something that I had not done before and was, at first, ashamed of.
As time went on, I improved a lot, got rid of my insecurities when singing/rapping, and met a lot of amazing friends.
I now release new songs on all music streaming platforms whenever time allows it, and also occasionally produce music for other artists / friends.
Music production is present-day still one of my big passions and will continue to be for the rest of my life, constantly experimenting with new genres and learning even more than what I knew before.
Notable features / production work
cengi - nobody but u! (feat. zest & kuraudo)
xpciel - saferoom (feat. kuraudo)
cyber milk - ヒステリックフレンズ (produced by kuraudo)
Unreleased production work
'asphalt type beat' (produced by kuraudo)
'dreamy' (produced by kuraudo & kuriyai)
'fabricated' (produced by kuraudo)
Rhythm Gaming 
Me playing at COE 2024, a yearly osu! LAN event
Me playing at COE 2024, a yearly osu! LAN event
My osu! profile
My osu! profile
Apart from making games, I also very much enjoy playing many different types of them whenever time allows it.
A genre of games that personally sticks out above the rest for me is rhythm games. They function based on the beat of the music, require a ton of determination to get good at, and allow you to discover genres of music you might never even knew you liked in the first place.
A rhythm game that I have spent and still spend a lot of time on, is a free-to-play game called 'osu!', originally released in 2007 by Dean Herbert a.k.a. 'peppy'.
This game is based on the original 'Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan', released for the Nintendo DS in 2005.
The 'osu!' by Dean Herbert quickly became a worldwide phenomenon and currently has 4 different game modes ('standard' being my preference) with 20+ million players.
I, myself, have had my account since May 2016, and have been actively playing since December 2019.
I'm in no way at the top, but am relatively decent! :P

 Me setting my best score back in 2022 

 Video of me playing 'osu!' w/ handcam 

↝ Cooking Food ↜
Apart from all the technical stuff, I also have a passion for cooking. I was always able to make breakfast and certain dinner dishes pretty well, but started stepping up my game in the last few years. I experimented with both existing and original recipes to make sure that, through trial and error, my cuisine tasted the best it ever could.
I very much enjoy presenting and photographing my food properly as well.
(That's if I didn't dig in on accident already...)
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